Art & Inquiry Classes

TRANS-Disciplinary ART & INQUIRYA new way of thinking about classes @ UNCSA A place for creative research and design Artists discover new means for effecting change on contemporary issues What is Art and Inquiry? Courses in Transdisciplinary Art and Inquiry (TAI) at...

Making as Learning

MAKING as LEARNINGPrototyping to Design CDI Studio Programs Building a climate of invention and iteration exploring rapid prototyping and collaborative design to shape curricula and learning spaces Collaborations for Knowledge The Maker approach develops...

Step Into This Class

Step Into This ClassEngaging with Engaging Teaching Finding the cutting edge in higher ed Beloved, Innovative faculty from around the Triad give you a spot in their class Transforming Teachers Poet, teacher and UNCSA Professor of Humanities Dr. Joseph R Mills...


iSWOOPInterpreters and Scientists Working on Our Parks iSWOOP Interpreters and Scientists Working on Our Parks is a model program working at and with our National Parks to build the public’s understanding of science COMMUNICATING RESEARCH BY DESIGN  iSWOOP cultivates...

Public Art @ CDI

PUBLIC ART CONNECTIONS Public Art can help us see one another more equitably Engaging community engaged Public Art’s power to achieve positive change PUBLIC ART|PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE – transforming community and conveying knowledge During the 2017-2018 academic year,...