Happens In
STEPn2 This Class: Steven Giles
April 11th @ 12PM

Join us for this month’s conversation with faculty series for an opportunity to Step Into Steven Giles’ Communication Class. Bring a brown bag lunch or we will have light snacks on hand. We’ll consider how conflict is an inevitable part of our personal relationships. This class session introduces participants to definitional qualities of conflict and promotes reflection and self-awareness about how conflict styles and interaction patterns can affect our experience of conflict in personal relationships. The session ends with a discussion of ways to fight fair when confronting relational conflict. The class session is part of a larger course on relational communication that meets a divisional requirement for Wake Forest University undergraduate students.
This series, featuring faculty members from all Winston-Salem Universities, is valuable for anyone interested in communication, teaching, learning and relationships. Join discussion with diverse thinkers and Steven Giles, WFU Department of Communications, as part of our Teaching Engagement Series STEPn2 this class.